Welcome To City Lites. Inc

Let Usenterbinyou!

For more than ten years, City Lites, Inc. has entertained Flagler county and surround ing comm unities while provid ng opportunities for our youth to perform and receive scholarships to attend college. We support the Flagler Palm Coast School Performing Arts Program and our community through volunteerism!

We Provide Scholarship For you

City Lites, Inc.’s sole purpose is to raise funds for our youth while providing an opportunity for seniors, adults, and youth to volunteer through comm unity performance for a worthwhi ie cause. Help support our efforts by attending our fund raising events and shows.



If you missed our Red and White dance you really missed a wonderfu I event. SAVE THE DATE for the next dance in February 2022. Sometime later in 2022 we will also host a scholarship fundraiser cruise. Stay tuned!!! More to

See our latesT show.

City Lites will be celebrating the “Motown and Mo” show’s 22nd season in a Christmas production on December 3, 2022. Lyrical moments will energize and evol‹e memories with a cast flaunting the stuff that Motown & Mo’ is I‹nown for. The best of Motown includes R&B, doo-wop, hip- hop, and jazz. The cast, who have a line up of top-notch artist portrayals — The Temptations, Luther Vandross, Gladys.

If night, Patti LaBelle, and many others — have teamed up together and will glitter in stage maI‹eup and fine costum ing to dramatize the old ies, but goodies and beyond. The ethnically mixed cast and crew will mimic the superstars and engage in theatrics, dance routines, and hand techniques. Some of the commentators announcing the smash hits on stage during past performances have been Cynthia Blaclt, Donna Gray Banks, jarred Armstrong, and the late Willard Anderson. The current MC, Stacy Simpson, has been with the group for more recent performances.

The show features the sort of high-octane performances that any audience might expect from the liltes of Motown icons. An article from the Daytona Times writes, “The audience]. “They [embody]  the  persona  and  the  I‹arma, [of] the artist. The way they perform, they feel the music. They carry on the legacy of the Motown sound,” she  said. You are guaranteed to enjoy the show. The  best  part proceeds from the donations and ticltet  sales support theatrical  worI‹shops  and  scholarships  for  youth.  City Lites asI‹s that the comm unity come  join  the  cast of Motown and to’ as they perform at their best to earn scholarship  funds  for  deserving  young  people!  It  will  be a season of giving and providing blessings  to  our families and  friends.   So, enjoy the  holiday season  while  malting a  d ifference in the lives of some of our brightest most deserving youth, Saturday, December 4, 2021, 5 PM at the Flagler Auditorium, 5500 FL-100, 32164. Ticl‹ets $30, groups of 10 or more $25. Clicl‹ the lin k to purchase online or call the auditorium at 386-437-7547.

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